What is the occupation of each in this logic puzzle?Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window. - Steve Bluestone
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Occupations Logic Puzzle

Logic Puzzle Problems

Four friends, Mr. Baker, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Shoemaker and Mr. Tanner all have different occupations, baker, carpenter, shoemaker and tanner. But none of them has an occupation which matches his name.

Each man always wears the same color shirt, brown, chartreuse, salmon or turquoise. But the color shirt he wears does not start with the same letter as his name or his occupation.

Mr. Shoemaker and the tanner dine together regularly.

The shoemaker never wears a brown shirt.

Mr. Carpenter is the baker.

What is each man's occupation and his shirt color?

Thanks to Brain Puzzler's Delight by E.R. Emmet

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